We've been taking buses here in Lima as much as possible, and I've come to appreciate the minute intricacies of taking these 'collectivos.' First you gotta be ready to run: for the bus, getting off the bus, it's always a hussle. Two, standing is much cooler (temperature) than sitting with a sticky, sweating back against pleather in 30 degree heat. Finally, there are good drivers, and slow drivers. By good drivers, I mean that they drive the bus like they stole it. Weaving in and out of lanes, going against traffic if necessary, running reds, and taking off before you've gotten a chance to get both feet aboard. And you know what? It's a hell of a lot of fun, so do it! Take the bus!
Above: Lima bus travels down Avenida Benevides towards Larco and Miraflores.
Here are some more pictures from our documentary travels:

Left: And finally, just because of how cute she is, here you have Peggy and I sharing the couch. This is one of two dogs that live at the house where we're staying, to whom Rebecca has dedicated a lot of hours of training. It's paying off Beck!
Talk Soon!
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